The History of the MMC
It began with our first family vacation to Ghana in August 2004. Soon after we arrived in the capital, an unexpected situation brought me into contact with a man in his late 50s, whom I had known for over twenty years. The man was dead but somehow living out his last days. He could not walk a distance of 5 meters alone without falling. Suddenly my cell phone rang. His wife was on the line. She implored me to make time for them, to which I responded affirmatively. She chattered a taxi, and they travelled to my residence. “Brought Back to Life“, was the title of this incredible but true story of this dead-walking Christian who was bewitched and killed but was brought back to life through the power of the Holy Spirit. Read more During our vacation, I worshipped with five different chu
rches. On September 5, 2004, I preached in one of the churches in Accra, Ghana´s capital city. Between the hours of 11:30 AM and 11:45 AM, the Holy Spirit interrupted me and said: “lead the church to intercede for their pastor. This is a new assignment for you, the Macedonian Call.” I did not know at the time that their resident pastor had travelled to the US and was going through severe, life-threatening challenges. The sudden diversion to intercession was noticeable, as my wife later commented. Read more “In the middle of the sermon, my cell phone rang…”
On the following Sunday, September 12, 2004, I preached in a different church about 40km east of Accra. In the middle of the sermon, my cell phone rang for a long time. I did not interrupt the preaching as I did the previous week. Afer the service, I tracked the caller ID and found out it was an international call from the US. The caller later turned out to be the pastor who the Holy Spirit prompted me to intercede for. Whole story
These two distinctive calls to my cell phone gave birth to what the Lord described as an assignment for you – “the Macedonian Mission Call.” It was launched in 2006. Since its launching, it has taken me to dozens of missionary trips to different places across Ghana. I had opportunities to serve in various churches, tertiary institutions, open-air outreaches, Radio and TV broadcastings.